
Friday, May 27, 2011

Zodiac Birth Stones

Zodiac Birth Stones
Zodiac Birth Stones

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Birthday Astrology (Date of Birth [Day/Month/Year])

Astrology ... Thë prediction of personality traits and thë divination of future events based on thë relationship between thë Sun, Moon, and planets ... was born thë first time people looked up at thë stars and realized that those shimmering, distant orbs formed pictures in thë heavens.

Birthday Astrology (Date of Birth [Day/Month/Year]) combines thë study of celestial bodies and birth dates to give revealing personality profiles.

Long before recorded history, when life was â succession of labor and tedium interrupted by thë occasional terror of simple survival, thë night sky was â source of profound interest to our ancestors.

In this article you'll find details on historical and modern interpretations of astrology. At thë end of this article are links to pages with specific information for each sun sign and birthday, including relationship, goal, career, family, financial, and health characteristics.

Astrology Throughout Time
The study of astrology dates back thousands of years to thë ancient Egyptians, who were thë first to make â science of it. thë Babylonians, Greeks, and Romans also held it in high esteem.

Many people believe that thë biblical Magi ... thë kings who brought gifts to thë Christ child ... were astrologers whose study of their art told them where to find thë baby.

Although it is generally accepted that thë Venerable Bede ... that great English historian of thë Dark Ages ... studied astrology as â mystical discipline, it was not â popular art/science in Europe at that time. During thë Crusades of thë Middle Ages, thë returning knights brought back many Eastern influences, including thë study of astrology.

It wasn't until thë European Renaissance of thë fourteenth to thë seventeenth centuries, when high learning and occult sciences were at their zeniths, that astrology came into its own in thë West.

Although it didn't coexist well with Catholicism, it was well received in Protestant countries. During this period in history, however, astrology was still thë province of thë rich and powerful.

In England, astrology reached its high point during thë reign (1558-1603) of Queen Elizabeth I. But with thë discoveries and theories of astronomers Copernicus and Galileo in thë sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, respectively, astrology and astronomy diverged, never to be reunited under thë same scientific banner. Astrology lost its association with mysticism and was regarded as â pseudo-science.

Of course, astrology is still practiced today. On thë next page, we will look at astrology's impact on thë modern world.

The Modern Age of Astrology
The early twentieth century brought an astrology revival, particularly in thë United States. Astrology's practical value as â predictor of stock-market gains and losses in thë 1920s, for example, has been well documented.

Today, astrology is more popular than ever. This is largely due to two historical events that overlapped one another. thë first was thë period of thë late 1960s, characterized as thë "Age of Aquarius," named for â song from thë Broadway musical, Hair.

That era of rebellion and social change downplayed materialism and urged people to embrace thë mystical side of life. Astrology became â touchstone for this movement and â forum for discussion of human behavior.

The second historical event, and thë greatest force in thë popularization of astrology, has been thë development of thë personal computer. Astrologers who once spent weeks casting and interpreting charts, with accuracy that could not be assured, can now compute and print out â chart in â matter of minutes, with no doubt as to its accuracy. This added to thë number of people who can have their natal or transit charts analyzed quickly and for â moderate price.

Astrology now has â different use than it did in thë ancient world. thë rich and powerful still consult astrologers for clues to their future; thë difference is that nowadays everyone can do thë same. But astrology is no longer about just love and money. Astrology answers many other questions. There are even astrologers who give stock market tips.

Despite its ancient beginnings, astrology is now part of thë New Age movement. Traditional predictive, transit astrology may still rule, but there are many astrologers whose work involves past-life readings, next-life readings, marriage and family counseling, and health advice. There are now more working astrologers than at any other time in history.

And consider this: Two-thirds of people in thë United States are said to have either had their charts read by an astrologer or believe that astrology is â viable method of predicting and managing thë future.

Astrology and You
How do thë millions of people who turn to astrology for answers end up with distinct predictions? By studying thë dates of our birth we can become aware of one aspect of thë uniqueness that separates us from people born on any of thë other 365 days of thë year.

Read below for information on thë sun sign chart, birth dates and other components used to create unique readings and predictions for every birthday of thë year. You'll also find links to articles with specific information for each sun sign and birthday, including relationship, goal, career, family, financial, and health characteristics.

Sun Sign Astrology
Sun sign astrology is thë study of thë twelve signs of thë zodiac. Each of us fits into one of these twelve categories. You don't need to have your chart analyzed to discover â great deal about your natal (at-birth) characteristics or to get an idea of influences at work in your life.

In this age of sophisticated computer software and complex relationship theories, Sun sign astrology has its detractors. Yet there is â truth at its core. Sun sign astrology speaks to our understanding of and reliance upon ancient and modern archetypes, thë basic character types we meet again and again.

Although this astrology deals with twelve basic character types, it offers thë best overview of astrological characteristics, thë most definitive measure of thë self.

Nature and Astrology
The twelve types are divided into elements: Fire, Earth, Air, Water. Within each of these categories can be found three of thë twelve signs. thë elements help to describe thë basic nature of â sign.

For example, Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) have "firelike" characteristics: â hot temper, passion, creativity, and boldness. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are stable, frugal, and sensual. People born under Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) are intellectually inclined, changeable, and high-strung. Water-sign people (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are intuitive, spiritual, and secretive.

The Allure of Birthdays
Why birthdays? Because they define us. They are what we grow up with, grow old with ... thë common denominator of our hopes, dreams, and experiences.

Birthdays have personalities, just like people. Events, both great and small, impress their meaning upon each date, giving them renewed significance. Filled with promise, filled with potential, each date is â mixture of thë mundane and thë magical.

Each of us likes to believe we are unique and special in our own way.
When millions of people from all cultures and walks of life share â birthday, can there be â common thread? Without â doubt. â look at â list of people born on â specific day gives us â clue to thë amazing potentialities that exist for that particular date.

In ancient times, people looked to thë gods and goddesses for answers. Today, our modern messengers are television and thë tabloid press. Indeed, we are enmeshed in â cult of celebrity unlike anything ever witnessed in history.

It is only natural that famous men and women should pique our interest. They invoke our envy, love, or pity. Many of us can quote thë names of our celebrity astro-twins. But this is â phenomenon that speaks to us on â deeper, even more significant level.

Using Astrology Articles
Astrology is â complicated subject. Eventually you may wish to have your chart analyzed by â professional astrologer. But until that time you can learn â lot about your basic personality type ... and thë personalities of your family and friends ... by reading and thinking about what you'll discover in Birthday Astrology (Date of Birth [Day/Month/Year]).

Sure, you may be â Gemini, but what special advice is appropriate for â June 16 Gemini? And how does thë day of â February 23 Pisces differ from that of other Pisces people?

The exclusive insights you'll find in thë articles below are based upon â variety of methods designed to analyze days within each Sun sign.

First, careful examination was made of thë traits and personality characteristics of thë Sun sign itself, as well as thë myriad associations related to its planetary ruler.

Further division and definition of each sign was provided by thë use of dwads (2.5-degree markers) and decanates (10-degree markers), which establish an even more specific profile within thë Sun sign.

Finally, numerology (the study of numbers according to their divine and magical significance) and thë Sabian symbols (a set of 360-degree symbols and meanings that describe arcane and modern symbology) have been used to attain even greater definition and accuracy.

Your Special Day
Your birth date is special because it is yours. Its number and characteristics should be talismans for you, symbols of what you are and what you can be.

Have fun with these article ... and ponder what they says. Share thë information with others, and discuss what you've read. Use Birthday Astrology (Date of Birth [Day/Month/Year]) as one step on your path to understanding all that you are and everything you have to offer to yourself and others.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pisces The Fish

Pisces - The Fish
February 20- March 20
Arabic: Pisces - الحوت (al-Huut)
Chinese: 雙魚座
Dutch: VISSEN ("i" as in Jennifer, stress on "ss")
French: Poissons
Spanish: Piscis
Pisces - The Fish

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Pisces
Zodiac symbol: Two fishes
Known as: The Poet
Ruling planet: Neptune & Jupiter
Quality: Mutable watery sign
Element: Water
Day: Friday
Color: Sea-green & Lavender
Flowers: Violet, Jonquil & Water Lily
Metal: Platinum
Lucky Numbers: 2, 6
Virtues: Psychic power, sensitivity, self-sacrifice, altruism
Negative traits: Escapism, keeping bad company, negative moods
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Cancer, Scorpio
Some Compatibility: Taurus, Capricorn
Overall Incompatibility: Gemini, Sagittarius
Financial Compatibility: Aries
Career Oriented Compatibility: Sagittarius
Emotional Support Compatibility : Gemini
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Virgo
Creative Projects Compatibility: Cancer
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Cancer
Spiritual Compatibility: Scorpio, Aquarius
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Bloodstone, Jasper
Modern Birthstones: Aquamarine
Mystical Birthstones: Jade
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Bloodstone

Aquarius The Water Bearer

Aquarius - The Water Bearer
January 21 - February 19
Arabic: Aquarius - الدلو (ad-dalu)
Chinese: 水瓶座
Dutch: WATERMAN (as you read it, both "a" like schwa)
French: Verseau
Spanish: Acuario
Aquarius - The Water Bearer

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Aquarius
Zodiac symbol: The Water-Bearer
Known as: The Truth-seeker
Ruling planet: Uranus & Saturn
Quality: Fixed
Element: Air
Day: Wednesday
Color: Sky blue
Flowers: Orchid
Metal: Uranium
Lucky Numbers: 1, 7
Virtues: Great intellectual power, ability to communicate and to form and understand abstract concepts, love for the new and avante-garde
Negative traits: Coldness, rebelliousness for its own sake, fixed ideas
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Gemini, Libra
Some Compatibility: Aries, Sagittarius
Overall Incompatibility: Taurus, Scorpio
Financial Compatibility: Pisces
Career Oriented Compatibility: Scorpio
Emotional Support Compatibility : Taurus
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Leo
Creative Projects Compatibility: Gemini
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Gemini
Spiritual Compatibility: Capricorn, Libra
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Amethyst, Hyacinth, Pearl
Modern Birthstones: Amethyst
Mystical Birthstones: Bloodstone
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Amethyst

Capricorn The Goat Fish

Capricorn - The Goat-Fish
December 23 - January 20
Arabic: Capricorn - الجدي (al-jadi)
Chinese: 魔羯座
Dutch: STEENBOK (as you read it, long "ee" and stress on "o")
French: Capricorne
Spanish: Capricornio
Capricorn - The Goat-Fish

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Capricorn
Zodiac symbol: The Goat
Known as: The Ambassador
Ruling planet: Saturn
Quality: Cardinal
Element: Earth
Day: Saturday
Color: Dark Green & Dark Blue
Flowers: Carnation
Metal: Lead
Lucky Numbers: 2, 8
Virtues: Sense of duty, organization, perseverance, patience, ability to see the long term
Negative traits: Pessimism, depression, undue materialism and conservatism
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Taurus, Virgo
Some Compatibility: Scorpio, Pisces
Overall Incompatibility: Aries, Libra
Financial Compatibility: Aquarius
Career Oriented Compatibility: Libra
Emotional Support Compatibility : Aries
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Cancer
Creative Projects Compatibility: Taurus
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Taurus
Spiritual Compatibility: Virgo, Sagittarius
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Garnet
Modern Birthstones: Garnet
Mystical Birthstones: Emerald
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Garnet

Sagittarius The Archer

Sagittarius - The Archer
November 23 - December 22
Arabic: Sagittarius - القوس (al-qaws)
Chinese: 射手座(or人馬座)
Dutch: BOOGSCHUTTER ("boogsgutter"; "oo" like long German o; "u" like German "ü", stress on tt)
French: Sagittaire
Spanish: Sagitario
Sagittarius - The Archer

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Sagittarius
Zodiac symbol: The Centaur, Archer
Known as: The Counselor
Ruling planet: Jupiter
Quality: Mutable
Element: Fire
Day: Thursday
Color: Light blue & Purple
Flowers: Narcissus & Dandelion
Metal: Tin
Lucky Numbers: 5, 7
Virtues: Generosity, honesty, broad-mindedness, tremendous vision
Negative traits: Over-optimism, exaggeration, being too generous with other people's money
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Aries, Leo
Some Compatibility: Libra, Aquarius
Overall Incompatibility: Virgo, Pisces
Financial Compatibility: Capricorn
Career Oriented Compatibility: Virgo
Emotional Support Compatibility : Pisces
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Gemini
Creative Projects Compatibility: Aries
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Aries
Spiritual Compatibility: Leo, Scorpio
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Bloodstone, Ruby
Modern Birthstones: Turquoise, Blue Topaz
Mystical Birthstones: Onyx
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Ruby

Scorpio The Scorpion

Scorpio - The Scorpion
October 24 - November 22
Arabic: Scorpio - العقرب (al-'aqrab)
Chinese: 天蠍座
Dutch: SCHORPIOEN ("sgorpiun" ; "oe" is pronounced like the German "u")
French: Scorpion
Spanish: Escorpio
Scorpio - The Scorpion

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Scorpio
Zodiac symbol: Scorpion & Eagle
Known as: The Inspector
Ruling planet: Pluto & Mars
Quality: Fixed
Element: Water
Day: Tuesday
Color: Deep red
Flowers: Chrysanthemum & Rhododendron
Metal: Steel
Lucky Numbers: 2, 4
Virtues: Loyalty, concentration, determination, courage, depth
Negative traits: Jealousy, vindictiveness, fanaticism
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Cancer, Pisces
Some Compatibility: Virgo, Capricorn
Overall Incompatibility: Leo, Aquarius
Financial Compatibility: Sagittarius
Career Oriented Compatibility: Leo
Emotional Support Compatibility : Aquarius
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Taurus
Creative Projects Compatibility: Pisces
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Pisces
Spiritual Compatibility: Cancer, Libra
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Topaz, Pearl
Modern Birthstones: Topaz, Citrine
Mystical Birthstones: Pearl
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Topaz

Libra The Scales

Libra - The Scales
September 24 - October 23
Arabic: Libra - الميزان (al-miizaan)
Chinese: 天秤座
Dutch: WEEGSCHAAL ("weegsgaal")
French: Balance
Spanish: Libra
Libra - The Scales

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Libra
Zodiac symbol: Scales
Known as: The Statesman
Ruling planet: Venus
Quality: Cardinal
Element: Air
Day: Friday
Color: Indigo Blue
Flowers: Rose, Cosmos & Hydrangeas
Metal: Quicksilver
Lucky Numbers: 6, 9
Virtues: Social grace, charm, tact, diplomacy
Negative traits: Violating what is right for the sake of social acceptance
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Gemini, Aquarius
Some Compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius
Overall Incompatibility: Cancer, Capricorn
Financial Compatibility: Scorpio
Career Oriented Compatibility: Cancer
Emotional Support Compatibility : Capricorn
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Aries
Creative Projects Compatibility: Aquarius
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Aquarius
Spiritual Compatibility: Gemini, Virgo
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Opal, Aquamarine
Modern Birthstones: Opal, Tourmaline
Mystical Birthstones: Jasper
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Opal

Virgo The Virgin

Virgo - The Virgin
August 22 - September 23
Arabic: Virgo - العذراء (al-'adhraa')
Chinese: 處女座
Dutch: MAAGD (long "aa" as in schwa, "maagt")
French: Vierge
Spanish: Virgo
Virgo - The Virgin

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Virgo
Zodiac symbol: The Virgin
Known as: The Craftsman
Ruling planet: Mercury
Quality: Mutable
Element: Earth
Day: Wednesday
Color: Navy blue
Metal: Quicksilver
Lucky Numbers: 5, 3
Virtues: Mental agility, analystical skills, healing powers, ability to give attention to details
Negative traits: Destructive criticism
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Taurus, Capricorn
Some Compatibility: Cancer, Scorpio
Overall Incompatibility: Gemini, Sagittarius
Financial Compatibility: Libra
Career Oriented Compatibility: Gemini
Emotional Support Compatibility : Sagittarius
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Pisces
Creative Projects Compatibility: Capricorn
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Capricorn
Spiritual Compatibility: Taurus, Leo
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Chrysolite
Modern Birthstones: Sapphire
Mystical Birthstones: Agate
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Moonstone

Leo The Lion

Leo - The Lion
July 23 -August 21
Arabic: Leo - الأسد (al-asad)
Chinese: 獅子座
Dutch: LEEUW (pronounce "leew")
French: Lion
Spanish: Leo
Leo - The Lion

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Leo The Lion
Zodiac symbol: Lion
Known as: The King
Ruling planet: the Sun
Quality: Fixed
Element: Fire
Day: Sunday
Color: Orange
Flowers: Sunflower & Marigold
Metal: Gold
Lucky Numbers: 8, 9
Virtues: Leadership, self-esteem, confidence, generosity, creativity, joyful
Negative traits: Arrogance, vanity, bossiness
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Aries, Sagittarius
Some Compatibility: Gemini, Libra
Overall Incompatibility: Taurus, Scorpio
Financial Compatibility: Virgo
Career Oriented Compatibility: Taurus
Emotional Support Compatibility : Scorpio
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Aquarius
Creative Projects Compatibility: Sagittarius
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Sagittarius
Spiritual Compatibility: Aries, Cancer
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Sardonyx, Carnelian, Moonstone, Topaz
Modern Birthstones: Peridot
Mystical Birthstones: Diamond
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Sapphire

Cancer The Crab

Cancer - The Crab
June 22 - July 22
Arabic: Cancer - السرطان (as-saraTaan)
Chinese: 巨蟹座
Dutch: KREEFT (as you read it with "ee" as long "a")
French: Cancer
Spanish: Cancer
Cancer - The Crab

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Cancer the Crab
Zodiac symbol: Crab
Known as: The Teacher
Ruling planet: the Moon
Quality: Cardinal
Element: Water
Day: Monday
Color: Violet, Sea Green & Silver
Flowers: Larkspur
Metal: Silver
Lucky Numbers: 3, 7
Virtues: Emotional sensitivity, tenacity, nurturing
Negative traits: Over-sensitivity, negative moodiness
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Scorpio, Pisces
Some Compatibility: Taurus, Virgo
Overall Incompatibility: Aries, Libra
Financial Compatibility: Leo
Career Oriented Compatibility: Aries
Emotional Support Compatibility : Libra
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Capricorn
Creative Projects Compatibility: Scorpio
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Scorpio
Spiritual Compatibility: Gemini, Pisces
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Turquoise, Onyx
Modern Birthstones: Ruby
Mystical Birthstones: Ruby
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Ruby

Gemini The Twins

Gemini - The Twins
May 22 - June 21
Arabic: Gemini - الجوزاء (al-jawzaa')
Chinese: 雙子座
Dutch: TWEELINGEN ("ee" is pronounced as a long english "a", "ing" like "bling"
French: Gemeaux
Spanish: Géminis
Gemini - The Twins

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Gemini
Zodiac symbol: The Twins
Known as: The Artist
Ruling planet: Mercury
Quality: Mutable
Element: Air
Day: Wednesday
Color: Yellow
Flowers: Lily of the Valley & Lavender
Metal: Quicksilver
Lucky Numbers: 5, 9
Virtues: Communication skills, quick and agile thought process, learns quickly
Negative traits: Tendency toward gossip, hurting others with harsh speech, superficiality
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Libra, Aquarius
Some Compatibility: Aries, Leo
Overall Incompatibility: Virgo, Pisces
Financial Compatibility: Cancer
Career Oriented Compatibility: Pisces
Emotional Support Compatibility : Virgo
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Sagittarius
Creative Projects Compatibility: Libra
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Libra
Spiritual Compatibility: Taurus, Aquarius
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Cat's Eye, Turquoise, Agate
Modern Birthstones: Moonstone, Pearl
Mystical Birthstones: Moonstone
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Pearl

Taurus The Bull

Taurus - The Bull
April 21 - May 21
Arabic: Taurus - الثور (ath-thawr)
Chinese: 金牛座
Dutch: STIER (steer)
French: Taureau
Spanish: Tauro
Taurus - The Bull

:: Properties ::
Constellation: Taurus the Bull
Zodiac symbol: Bull
Known as: The Builder
Ruling planet: Venus
Quality: Fixed
Element: Earth
Day: Friday
Color: green, orange, yellow, earth tones
Flowers: Violet & Poppy
Metal: Copper
Lucky Numbers: 6, 4
Virtues: Endurance, loyalty, patience, stability, harmonious disposition
Negative traits: Rigidity, stubborness, tendency toward over possessive and materialistic
:: Compatibility ::
Overall compatibility: Virgo, Capricorn
Some Compatibility: Cancer, Pisces
Overall Incompatibility: Leo, Aquarius
Financial Compatibility: Gemini
Career Oriented Compatibility: Aquarius
Emotional Support Compatibility : Leo
Marriage or Partnership Compatibility: Scorpio
Creative Projects Compatibility: Virgo
Fun and Entertainment Compatibility: Virgo
Spiritual Compatibility: Aries, Capricorn
:: Birthstones ::
Traditional Birthstones: Emerald, Agate
Modern Birthstones: Emerald
Mystical Birthstones: Sapphire
Ayurvedic Birthstones: Agate